Research Engineer in Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligencer, PhD.

e-mail: sirenia.mondragon (at)


I am a multidisciplinary research engineer, who was initially trained as an engineer in mechatronics and robotics (double degree) with a background in artificial intelligence (AI), and who later turned to neuroscience. I completed my master’s in AI at Sorbonne University and my Ph.D. at the Brain Institute in Paris in Eric Bruguière’s Lab. In my graduate research, I was using optogenetics, electrophysiology and, real-time signal analysis in awake behaving mice to understand the role of striatal parvalbumin interneurons in regulating compulsive behaviors within a closed-loop approach. Along the way, I have had some fun developing some hardware and software tools for scientific experimentation (see the Resources section).

Click the button to visit my website, where you’ll find my CV, publications, portfolio, and contributions to the field. 

Publications and patents

Peer-reviewed journals

  • [8] Mondragón-González, S.L., Schreiweis, C. & Burguière, E. (2024). Closed-loop
    recruitment of striatal interneurons prevents compulsions
    Nature Neuroscience (2024)
  • [7] Lamothe, H., Schreiweis, C., Mondragón-González, S.L., Rebbah, S., Lavielle, O.,
    Mallet, L., & Burguière, E. (2023). The Sapap3−/− mouse reconsidered as a comorbid
    model expressing a spectrum of pathological repetitive behaviours.
    Translational Psychiatry, 13(1), 26.
  • [6] Mondragón-González, S. L., & Burguière, E. (2017). Bio-inspired benchmark generator
    for extracellular multi-unit recordings. Scientific reports, 7(1), 43253.
  • [5] Muñiz-Hernández, S., González del Carmen, M., Mondragón, M., Mercier, C.,
    Cesbron, M. F., Mondragón-González, S.L & Mondragón, R. (2011). Contribution of
    the residual body in the spatial organization of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites within the parasitophorous vacuole. BioMed Research International, vol 2011.


  • [4] Mondragón-González, S. L., & Burguière, E. Brevet européen (2022)
    no. 22 305 177.2 Method and device for physiological signal processing.

Book Chapter

  • [3] Mondragón-González, S. L., Burguière, E., & N’diaye, K. (2023). Mobile Devices,
    Connected Objects, and Sensors. Machine Learning for Brain Disorders, 355-388.


  • [2] Mondragón-González, S. L., Schreiweis C, C., & Burguière E, E. (2022). Closed-loop
    recruitment of striatal parvalbumin interneurons prevents the onset of compulsive
    behaviours. bioRxiv, 2022-01.

Doctoral dissertation

  • [1] Mondragón-González, S. L.(2019) Combining a real-time closed-loop system withneuromodulation: and integrative approach to prevent pathodological repetitivebahviours. Sorbonne Université